Amazon Athena JDBC Driver Wrapper Supporting the 'metis' Package
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#' Amazon Athena JDBC Driver Wrapper Supporting the 'metis' Package
#' Contents of the Amazon Athena JDBC Driver
#' <>
#' provided to support functions in the 'metis' package. Version number
#' reflects the version number of the included 'JAR' file.
#' @name metis.jars
#' @section IMPORTANT:
#' Until a release of 'rJava' newer than '0.9.10' is on CRAN signals sent
#' from interrupting Athena JDBC calls crash the R interpreter. You therefore
#' need to set the `-Xrs` option to avoid signals being passed on to the JVM
#' owner. That has to be done _before_ `rJava` is loaded so you either need
#' to remember to put it at the top of all scripts _or_ stick this
#' in your local `~/.Rprofile` and/or sitewide `Rprofile`:
#' options(
#' "java.parameters" = c(getOption("java.parameters", default = NULL), "-Xrs")
#' )
#' @md
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @keywords internal
#' @docType package
#' @author Bob Rudis (
#' @import rJava
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion compareVersion
#' @references [Simba Athena JDBC Driver with SQL Connector Installation and Configuration Guide](