Amazon Athena JDBC Driver Wrapper Supporting the 'metis' Package
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.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
if (interactive()) {
jv <- utils::packageVersion("rJava")
if (utils::compareVersion(toString(jv), "0.9.10") < 1) {
o <- getOption("java.parameters", "")
if (!any(grepl("\\-Xrs", o))) {
"Did not find '-Xrs' in java.parameters option. Until rJava is updated, ",
"please set this up in your/an Rprofile or at the start of scripts. ",
"See the 'IMPORTANT' section under ?`metis.jars-package`."
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
rJava::.jpackage(pkgname, jars = "*", lib.loc = libname)
rJava::.jpackage(pkgname, lib.loc = libname)
rJava::.jaddClassPath(dir(file.path(getwd(), "inst/java"), full.names = TRUE))