#' Helpers for Accessing and Querying Amazon Athena #' #' Methods are provides to connect to 'Amazon' 'Athena', lookup schemas/tables, #' perform queries and retrieve query results. A lightweight 'RJDBC' implementation #' is included along with an interface to the 'AWS' command-line utility. #' #' @section IMPORTANT: #' #' Since R 3.5 (I don't remember this happening in R 3.4.x) signals sent from interrupting #' Athena JDBC calls crash the R #' interpreter. You need to set the `-Xrs` option to avoid #' signals being passed on to the JVM owner. That has to be done _#' before_ `rJava` is #' loaded so you either need to remember to put it at the top of all scripts _or_ stick this #' in your local #' `~/.Rprofile` and/or sitewide `Rprofile`: #' #' #' if (!grepl("-Xrs", getOption("java.parameters", ""))) { #' options( #' "java.parameters" = paste0( #' c(getOption("java.parameters", default = NULL), "-Xrs"), #' collapse=" " #' ) #' ) #' } #' #' @name metis #' @encoding UTF-8 #' @docType package #' @author Bob Rudis (bob@@rud.is) #' @import RJDBC #' @keywords internal #' @import DBI #' @import dplyr #' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON #' @importFrom readr type_convert #' @importFrom uuid UUIDgenerate #' @importFrom sys exec_internal #' @importFrom aws.signature use_credentials read_credentials NULL #' Use Credentials from .aws/credentials File #' #' @md #' @references [aws.signature::use_credentials()] / [aws.signature::read_credentials()] #' @name use_credentials #' @rdname use_credentials #' @inheritParams aws.signature::use_credentials #' @export NULL #' @name read_credentials #' @rdname use_credentials #' @export NULL