![](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/53/Winged_goddess_Louvre_F32.jpg/300px-Winged_goddess_Louvre_F32.jpg) # `metis` Helpers for Accessing and Querying Amazon Athena Including a lightweight RJDBC shim. In Greek mythology, Metis was Athena’s “helper”. ## Description Still fairly beta-quality level but getting there. The goal will be to get around enough of the “gotchas” that are preventing raw RJDBC Athena connections from “just working” with `dplyr` v0.6.0+ and also get around the [`fetchSize` problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/6aq22b/fetchsize_limit/) without having to not use `dbGetQuery()`. The `AthenaJDBC41-1.1.0.jar` JAR file is included out of convenience but that will likely move to a separate package as this gets closer to prime time if this goes on CRAN. See the **Usage** section for an example. ## What’s Inside The Tin? The following functions are implemented: Easy-interface connection helper: - `athena_connect` Make a JDBC connection to Athena Custom JDBC Classes: - `Athena`: AthenaJDBC (make a new Athena con obj) - `AthenaConnection-class`: AthenaJDBC - `AthenaDriver-class`: AthenaJDBC - `AthenaResult-class`: AthenaJDBC Custom JDBC Class Methods: - `dbConnect-method`: AthenaJDBC - `dbExistsTable-method`: AthenaJDBC - `dbGetQuery-method`: AthenaJDBC - `dbListFields-method`: AthenaJDBC - `dbListTables-method`: AthenaJDBC - `dbReadTable-method`: AthenaJDBC - `dbSendQuery-method`: AthenaJDBC Pulled in from other `cloudyr` pkgs: - `read_credentials` Use Credentials from .aws/credentials File - `use_credentials` Use Credentials from .aws/credentials File ## Installation ``` r devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/metis") ``` ## Usage ``` r library(metis) library(tidyverse) # current verison packageVersion("metis") ``` ## [1] '0.2.0' ``` r use_credentials("default") athena_connect( default_schema = "sampledb", s3_staging_dir = "s3://accessible-bucket", log_path = "/tmp/athena.log", log_level = "DEBUG" ) -> ath dbListTables(ath, schema="sampledb") ``` ## [1] "elb_logs" ``` r dbExistsTable(ath, "elb_logs", schema="sampledb") ``` ## [1] TRUE ``` r dbListFields(ath, "elb_logs", "sampledb") ``` ## [1] "timestamp" "elbname" "requestip" "requestport" ## [5] "backendip" "backendport" "requestprocessingtime" "backendprocessingtime" ## [9] "clientresponsetime" "elbresponsecode" "backendresponsecode" "receivedbytes" ## [13] "sentbytes" "requestverb" "url" "protocol" ``` r dbGetQuery(ath, "SELECT * FROM sampledb.elb_logs LIMIT 10") %>% type_convert() %>% glimpse() ``` ## Observations: 10 ## Variables: 16 ## $ timestamp 2014-09-30 01:03:00, 2014-09-30 01:03:01, 2014-09-30 01:03:01, 2014-09-30 01:03:01, ... ## $ elbname "lb-demo", "lb-demo", "lb-demo", "lb-demo", "lb-demo", "lb-demo", "lb-demo", "lb-demo... ## $ requestip "", "", "", "", "", ... ## $ requestport 4095, 14668, 29796, 38607, 32750, 10182, 64948, 51279, 13331, 2700 ## $ backendip "", "", "", "", "", ... ## $ backendport 8888, 443, 8899, 8888, 8888, 8888, 8888, 8888, 8888, 8000 ## $ requestprocessingtime 7.3e-05, 8.9e-05, 4.5e-05, 4.3e-05, 7.6e-05, 7.3e-05, 7.7e-05, 4.6e-05, 4.9e-05, 5.3e-05 ## $ backendprocessingtime 0.561864, 0.021517, 0.019530, 0.018937, 0.022727, 0.390384, 0.017017, 0.016437, 0.019... ## $ clientresponsetime 9.0e-05, 7.0e-05, 3.0e-05, 3.3e-05, 3.2e-05, 8.4e-05, 5.2e-05, 7.1e-05, 6.9e-05, 5.4e-05 ## $ elbresponsecode 200, 304, 304, 304, 200, 200, 304, 304, 200, 304 ## $ backendresponsecode 200, 200, 403, 200, 200, 400, 200, 200, 200, 200 ## $ receivedbytes 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ## $ sentbytes 58402, 0, 0, 0, 152213, 58402, 0, 0, 152213, 0 ## $ requestverb "GET", "GET", "GET", "GET", "GET", "GET", "GET", "GET", "GET", "GET" ## $ url "http://www.abcxyz.com:80/", "http://www.abcxyz.com:80/static/css/hue3.css", "http://... ## $ protocol "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/1.1", "... ## Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](CONDUCT.md). By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.