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7 years ago
7 years ago
`mgrs` : Convert 'MGRS' (Military Grid Reference System) References To and From Other Coordinate Systems
Essentially, a lightweight R wrapper around bits of <>.
Decent reference on MGRS & UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator): <>.
7 years ago
The following functions are implemented:
- `latlng_to_mgrs`: Convert latitude/longitude to MGRS string
- `mgrs_to_latlng`: Convert an MGRS string to latitude/longitude
7 years ago
- `mgrs_to_ups`: Convert MGRS to UPS
- `mgrs_to_utm`: Convert MGRS to UTM
- `ups_to_mgrs`: Convert UPS to MGRS
- `utm_to_mgrs`: Convert UTM to MGRS
7 years ago
7 years ago
### TODO
7 years ago
- Find all the folks/projects I need to add in the `DESCRIPTION` for auth/ctb & docs
7 years ago
- Vectorize ALL THE THINGS
- <strike>Add in support for the other MGRS conversion thingys</strike>
- More error checking (basic checking is done)
7 years ago
- Precision validation
- More tests (basic testing is done)
7 years ago
7 years ago
### Installation
``` r
### Usage
``` r
# current verison
## [1] '0.1.0'
``` r
## lat lng
## 48.20535 16.34593
``` r
latlng_to_mgrs(48.20535, 16.34593)
## [1] "33UXP0000040000"
``` r
## lat lng
## 48.24947 16.41449
``` r
latlng_to_mgrs(48.24948, 16.41449)
## [1] "33UXP0500344996"
``` r
## lat lng
## 83.62738 -32.66879
``` r
latlng_to_mgrs(83.62738, -32.66879)
## [1] "25XEN0410486507"
7 years ago
``` r
utm_to_mgrs(48, "N", 377299, 1483035)
## [1] "48PUV7729983035"
``` r
## mgrs zone hemisphere easting northing
## 1 48PUV7729883034 48 N 377298 1483034
``` r
ups_to_mgrs("N", 2426773, 1530125)
## [1] "ZGC2677330125"
``` r
## mgrs hemisphere easting northing
## 1 ZGC2677330125 N 2426773 1530125
### Test Results
``` r
## [1] "Sun Apr 9 22:43:31 2017"
``` r
## testthat results ========================================================================================================
## OK: 10 SKIPPED: 0 FAILED: 0
## DONE ===================================================================================================================
### Code of Conduct
Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.