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5 years ago
#' Download a PCAP analysis archive. The result is a zip archive containing the PCAP itself, CSVs representing various analysis results, and all carved files.'
#' @param pcap_id An md5 hash corresponding to the PCAP file submission on
#' This hash can be derived by hashing the PCAP file in question.
#' @param dl_dir directory where to store the download
#' @param archive_name name of the ZIP file. If left `NULL` then a ZIP file
#' will be created with the name ``.
#' @param api_key your [packettotal_api_key()].
#' @return if successful and the analysis package is ready then the full path
#' to the ZIP file is returned (invisibly). If the analysis package
#' is not ready the return value is "`_PROCESSING_`".
#' @references <>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' str(try(pt_download("536cf06ca83704844d789f56caf22ee6"), silent=TRUE), 2)
pt_download <- function(pcap_id, dl_dir = getwd(), archive_name = NULL,
api_key = packettotal_api_key()) {
dl_dir <- path.expand(dl_dir)
url = sprintf("", pcap_id),
`x-api-key` = api_key
) -> res
status_code <- httr::status_code(res)
if (status_code == "200") {
out <- httr::content(res, as = "raw", encoding = "UTF-8")
if (is.null(archive_name)) {
loc <- file.path(dl_dir, sprintf("", as.character(Sys.Date()), pcap_id))
} else {
loc <- file.path(dl_dir, archive_name)
object = out,
con = loc,
useBytes = TRUE
message("Download is at ", loc)
} else {
"PCAP exists but the analysis package is not ready. ",
"Try calling the function again in a few minutes."