% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/detail.R \name{pt_detail} \alias{pt_detail} \title{Get a detailed report of PCAP traffic, carved files, signatures, and top-talkers.} \usage{ pt_detail(pcap_id, api_key = packettotal_api_key()) } \arguments{ \item{pcap_id}{An md5 hash corresponding to the PCAP file submission on PacketTotal.com. This hash can be derived by hashing the PCAP file in question.} \item{api_key}{your \code{\link[=packettotal_api_key]{packettotal_api_key()}}.} } \description{ Analysis results contain high-level protocol statistics, signatures, and intelligence that PacketTotal discovered during analysis and enrichment. } \examples{ str(try(pt_detail("d210f4dbea97949f694e849507951881"), silent=TRUE), 2) } \references{ \url{https://packettotal.com/api-docs/#/pcaps/get_pcaps} }