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boB Rudis fcf20ae4cc
made tests local-only
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man API complete 5 vuotta sitten
tests made tests local-only 5 vuotta sitten
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packettotal.Rproj R package repo initialization complete 5 vuotta sitten

Travis-CI BuildStatus CoverageStatus CRAN\_Status\_Badge


Lookup and Analyze Packet Capture (‘PCAP’) Files


‘PacketTotal’ ( is an engine for analyzing, categorizing, and sharing packet capture (‘PCAP’) files. The tool was built with the information security community in mind and has applications in malware analysis and network forensics. Methods are provided to query search for and analyze packet capture files.

What’s Inside The Tin

The following functions are implemented:

  • packettotal_api_key: Get or set PACKETTOTAL_API_KEY value
  • pt_deep_search/pt_get_search_results: Create a new deep search task. Search for a term or with a Lucene query.
  • pt_detail: Get a detailed report of PCAP traffic, carved files, signatures, and top-talkers.
  • pt_download: Download a PCAP analysis archive. The result is a zip archive containing the PCAP itself, CSVs representing various analysis results, and all carved files.
  • pt_info: Get high-level information about a specific PCAP file.
  • pt_random: Get high-level information about a random PCAP file.
  • pt_search: Search with term or with a valid Lucene query.
  • pt_similar: Get a similarity graph relative to the current PCAP file.
  • pt_usage: Retrive usage and subscription plan information.


install.packages("packettotal", repos = "")



# current version
## [1] '0.1.0'
str(pt_random(), 2)
## List of 1
##  $ pcap_metadata:List of 11
##   ..$ md5               : chr "62286d51c23ee508a4687500becbaf52"
##   ..$ name              : chr "20130820_c_win6_00023_pc.pcap"
##   ..$ byte_size         : int 1538604
##   ..$ logs              : chr [1:8] "conn" "dns" "weird" "files" ...
##   ..$ analyzed_date     : chr "2018-10-19 00:55:42"
##   ..$ download_link     : chr "/pcaps/62286d51c23ee508a4687500becbaf52/download"
##   ..$ analysis_link     : chr "/pcaps/62286d51c23ee508a4687500becbaf52/analysis"
##   ..$ similar_pcaps_link: chr "/pcaps/62286d51c23ee508a4687500becbaf52/similar"
##   ..$ pcap_glyph_link   : chr ""
##   ..$ packettotal_link  : chr ""
##   ..$ message           : chr "This PCAP was selected randomly, since no id was specified."
str(pt_search(""), 2)
## List of 2
##  $ result_count: int 5
##  $ results     :'data.frame':    5 obs. of  3 variables:
##   ..$ id         : chr [1:5] "b2a094b1882f52ab8befd3d8ad9d7f9a" "0826bfbd4a68519945b9af594a5a87d7" "385b9a5b3da0d56260f2be329e110795" "8e13e95bc12ad8415c4d8e8d313affac" ...
##   ..$ found_in   :List of 5
##   ..$ match_score: num [1:5] 49.5 49.3 44.2 31.8 31.6
(res <- pt_deep_search("botnet OR malware"))
## $search_id
## [1] "089f9e75d8142e185e84e8668da4b9b8"
## $message
## [1] "Deep search exists."
## $results_uri
## [1] "/v1/search/deep/results/089f9e75d8142e185e84e8668da4b9b8"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "pt_search_result"

str(pt_get_search_results(res), 2)
## List of 2
##  $ results     :'data.frame':    1819 obs. of  3 variables:
##   ..$ id         : chr [1:1819] "bd00b1dca3e5586dccffdc23579b0d39" "ba796317651f2064b1ca193e6e2cf947" "52419b8eba8af8fe502f8be324b67cb8" "da0023e2c4ca40ac480a4fdb930e7745" ...
##   ..$ found_in   :List of 1819
##   ..$ match_score: num [1:1819] 1584 1079 749 704 653 ...
##  $ result_count: int 1819
str(pt_info("d210f4dbea97949f694e849507951881"), 2)
## List of 1
##  $ pcap_metadata:List of 10
##   ..$ md5               : chr "d210f4dbea97949f694e849507951881"
##   ..$ name              : chr "20180815Emotetinfectipca.pcap"
##   ..$ byte_size         : int 1583713
##   ..$ logs              : chr [1:10] "conn" "x509" "dns" "ssl" ...
##   ..$ analyzed_date     : chr "2019-01-01 06:40:18"
##   ..$ download_link     : chr "/pcaps/d210f4dbea97949f694e849507951881/download"
##   ..$ analysis_link     : chr "/pcaps/d210f4dbea97949f694e849507951881/analysis"
##   ..$ similar_pcaps_link: chr "/pcaps/d210f4dbea97949f694e849507951881/similar"
##   ..$ pcap_glyph_link   : chr ""
##   ..$ packettotal_link  : chr ""
str(pt_detail("d210f4dbea97949f694e849507951881"), 2)
## List of 1
##  $ analysis_summary:List of 9
##   ..$ top_talkers          :List of 2
##   ..$ connection_statistics:List of 9
##   ..$ dns_statistics       :List of 2
##   ..$ file_statistics      :List of 3
##   ..$ signatures           : chr [1:4] "ET POLICY Office Document Download Containing AutoOpen Macro" "ET POLICY PE EXE or DLL Windows file download HTTP" "SURICATA TLS invalid record version" "SURICATA TLS invalid record/traffic"
##   ..$ external_references  :'data.frame':    7 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ malicious_traffic    : logi FALSE
##   ..$ accuracy             : chr "perfect"
##   ..$ http_statistics      :List of 3
str(pt_similar("536cf06ca83704844d789f56caf22ee6"), 2)
## List of 4
##  $ similar                   :List of 2
##   ..$ result_count: int 78
##   ..$ results     :'data.frame': 78 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ intensity                 : chr "minimal"
##  $ prioritize_uncommon_fields: logi TRUE
##  $ weighting_mode            : chr "behavior"

packettotal Metrics

Lang # Files (%) LoC (%) Blank lines (%) # Lines (%)
R 13 0.93 200 0.94 69 0.73 125 0.7
Rmd 1 0.07 13 0.06 25 0.27 54 0.3

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.