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#' Finds IPs in CIDR blocks
#' After you use [create_cidr_lookup_table()] and [create_ip_source_table()]
#' use this function to do the lookup.
#' @param pgcon a PostgreSQL DBI connection
#' @param ip_tbl name of the IP table (valid PG table name syntax)
#' @param cidr_tbl name of the CIDR table (valid PG table name syntax)
#' @param ip_col Name of the column that holds the IP addresses in `ip_tbl`
#' @param cidr_col Name of the column that holds the CIDR block in `cidr_tbl`
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' DBI::dbConnect(
#' odbc::odbc(),
#' driver = "/usr/local/lib/",
#' Database = "working",
#' Host = "localhost"
#' ) -> con
#' create_cidr_lookup_table(
#' pgcon = con,
#' tbl_name = "amazon_cidrs",
#' drop = TRUE,
#' xdf = system.file("extdat", "amzn-cidrs.csv", package = "pgcidr"),
#' )
#' create_ip_source_table(
#' pgcon = con,
#' tbl_name = "weblog",
#' drop = TRUE,
#' xdf = system.file("extdat", "weblog.csv", package = "pgcidr")
#' )
#' find_ips_in_cidrs(
#' con, "weblog", "amazon_cidrs"
#' )
#' }
find_ips_in_cidrs <- function(pgcon, ip_tbl, cidr_tbl,
ip_col = "ip", cidr_col = "cidr") {
stopifnot(inherits(pgcon, "PostgreSQL"))
ip_tbl <- ip_tbl[1]
cidr_tbl <- cidr_tbl[1]
ip_col <- ip_col[1]
cidr_col <- cidr_col[1]
FROM {ip_tbl}, {cidr_tbl} WHERE {ip_col} <<= {cidr_col}
) -> res
if (inherits(res, "data.frame")) {
class(res) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")