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#' Make a DoH Request (GET/REST)
#' Issue a `GET` REST API query of type `type` for `name` to the
#' DoH endpoint specified at `server_path`.
#' @param name name to query for
#' @param type DNS query type (defaults to "`A`")
#' @param server_path full URL path to the DoH server quer endpoint (defaults to Quad9).
#' @param extra_params any special `GET` query parameter needed for a given server API endpoint.
#' this should be a named `list`.
#' @return `NULL` (if the query failed) or a `data.frame` (tibble)
#' @references <https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-doh-dns-over-https-05.html>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' doh_get("rud.is", "A")
#' doh_get("lenovo.com", "TXT")
#' doh_get(to_inaddr_arpa(""), "PTR")
doh_get <- function(name, type = "a", extra_params = list(), service_path = "") {
extra_params[["name"]] <- tolower(name)
extra_params[["type"]] <- tolower(type[1])
url = service_path,
query = extra_params,
) -> res
out <- httr::content(res, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
out <- jsonlite::fromJSON(out)
# will be NULL or a data frame
ret <- out[["Answer"]]
# cleanup column names and add query metadata if query was OK
if (length(ret)) {
colnames(ret) <- tolower(colnames(ret))
attr(ret, "question") <- out[["Question"]]
attr(ret, "flags") <- out[c("Status", "TC", "RD", "RA", "AD", "CD")]
attr(ret, "edns_client_subnet") <- out[["edns_client_subnet"]]
attr(ret, "comment") <- out[["comment"]]
class(ret) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")