% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/wp_auth.R \name{wp_auth} \alias{wp_auth} \title{Authenticate to WordPress} \usage{ wp_auth(cache = Sys.getenv("WP_OAUTH_CACHE", unset = TRUE)) } \arguments{ \item{cache}{either `TRUE` (to read from the default {httr} oauth cache), `FALSE` (to not cache the oauth token), `NA` ({httr} will guess what to do using some sensible heuristics), or a string which will be used as a path to the cache file. You can use an environment variable `WP_OAUTH_CACHE` to populate this value. If no value is specified this value will default to `TRUE`.} } \value{ oauth token (invisibly) } \description{ Call this at the start of any WordPress API interaction } \details{ After authentication, the current running environment will contain a copy of the token which the remaining functions will use and the token will be returned invisibly. } \examples{ if (interactive()) { wp_auth() } } \references{ }