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#' Get a site's stats
#' @references <$site/stats/>
#' @param site site id or domain; if not specified, the primary site of the
#' authenticated user will be used.
#' @return list with a great deal of stats metadata. You are probably most
#' interested in the `visits` element.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' wp_auth()
#' wp_site_stats()
#' }
wp_site_stats <- function(site) {
if (missing(site)) {
site_stats_url <- paste0(.pkg$me$meta$links$site[1], "/stats")
} else {
site_stats_url <- sprintf("", site[1])
url = site_stats_url,
) -> res
.stats <- httr::content(res)
.stats$visits <- purrr::map_df(.stats$visits$data, ~purrr::set_names(.x, .stats$visits$fields))
.stats$visits$period <- anytime::anydate(.stats$visits$period)