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open_socket <- possibly(socketConnection, "")
close_socket <- safely(close)
process_pwhois_response <- function(resp) {
tmp <- stri_split_fixed(resp, ": ", simplify = TRUE)
cols <- stri_replace_all_fixed(stri_trans_tolower(tmp[,1]), "-", "_")
out <-[,2], cols)))
if (hasName(out, "route_originated_ts")) {
out[["route_originated_ts"]] <- anytime::anytime(as.numeric(out[["route_originated_ts"]]))
if (hasName(out, "cache_date")) {
out[["cache_date"]] <- anytime::anytime(as.numeric(out[["cache_date"]]))
if (hasName(out, "latitude")) {
out[["latitude"]] <- as.numeric(out[["latitude"]])
if (hasName(out, "longitude")) {
out[["longitude"]] <- as.numeric(out[["latitude"]])
if (hasName(out, "modify_date")) {
out[["modify_date"]] <- as.POSIXct(out[["modify_date"]], format = "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S")
if (hasName(out, "create_date")) {
out[["create_date"]] <- as.POSIXct(out[["create_date"]], format = "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S")
if (hasName(out, "can_allocate")) {
out[["can_allocate"]] <- as.logical(as.integer(out[["can_allocate"]]))