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`rgeocodio` : Tools to Work with the <> 'API'

NOTE: You need an [API key]( to use this package.

There is a _great deal_ of API documentation in the main pacakge help page. It is
_highly_ suggested you do `help("rgeocodio-package")` after installing the package.

The following functions are implemented:

- `gio_auth`: Get or set GEOCODIO_API_KEY value
- `gio_batch_geocode`: Geocode up to 10,000 addresses
- `gio_batch_reverse`: Reverse geocode up to 10,000 coordinates
- `gio_geocode`: Geocode a single address
- `gio_geocode_components`: Geocode a single address
- `gio_reverse`: Reverse geocode a single lat/lon pair

All functions return tidy `tibble`s with sane column names.

### TODO

- <strike>enable selection of additional fields</strike>
- <strike>better return types</strike>
- a tad more error checking (especially processing API [status codes](
- more/better tests along with full code coverage
- Add R examples to the [official documentation](

### Installation

```{r eval=FALSE}

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, error=FALSE, include=FALSE}

### Usage

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, error=FALSE}

# current verison

gio_geocode("1109 N Highland St, Arlington, VA")

gio_geocode_components("1109 N Highland St", "Arlington", "VA")

gio_reverse(38.9002898, -76.9990361)

addresses <- c(
"1109 N Highland St, Arlington VA",
"525 University Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada",
"4410 S Highway 17 92, Casselberry FL",
"15000 NE 24th Street, Redmond WA",
"17015 Walnut Grove Drive, Morgan Hill CA"


lat = c(35.9746000, 32.8793700, 33.8337100, 35.4171240),
lon = c(-77.9658000, -96.6303900, -117.8362320, -80.6784760)
) -> to_code


### Extra Fields

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, error=FALSE}
gio_geocode("1109 N Highland St, Arlington, VA", fields=c("cd", "stateleg"))

gio_geocode_components("1109 N Highland St", "Arlington", "VA",
fields=c("census", "stateleg"))

gio_reverse(38.9002898, -76.9990361, fields=c("census", "stateleg"))

gio_batch_geocode(addresses, fields=c("cd", "stateleg"))

gio_batch_reverse(to_code, fields=c("census", "stateleg"))

### Test Results

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, error=FALSE}

