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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/jdbc.r
\title{Connect to Drill using JDBC}
nodes = "localhost:2181",
cluster_id = NULL,
schema = NULL,
use_zk = TRUE
nodes = "localhost:2181",
cluster_id = NULL,
schema = NULL,
use_zk = TRUE
\method{tbl}{src_drill_jdbc}(src, from, ...)
\item{nodes}{character vector of nodes. If more than one node, you can either have
a single string with the comma-separated node:port pairs pre-made or
pass in a character vector with multiple node:port strings and the
function will make a comma-separated node string for you.}
\item{cluster_id}{the cluster id from \code{drill-override.conf}}
\item{schema}{an optional schema name to append to the JDBC connection string}
\item{use_zk}{are you connecting to a ZooKeeper instance (default: \code{TRUE}) or
connecting to an individual DrillBit.}
\item{src}{A Drill "src" created with \code{src_drill()}}
\item{from}{A Drill view or table specification}
\item{...}{Extra parameters}
a JDBC connection object
The DRILL JDBC driver fully-qualified path must be placed in the
\code{DRILL_JDBC_JAR} environment variable. This is best done via \code{~/.Renviron}
for interactive work. e.g. \code{DRILL_JDBC_JAR=/usr/local/drill/jars/jdbc-driver/drill-jdbc-all-1.10.0.jar}
[src_drill_jdbc()] wraps the JDBC [dbConnect()] connection instantation in
[dbplyr::src_dbi()] to return the equivalent of the REST driver's [src_drill()].
con <- drill_jdbc("localhost:2181", "main")
drill_query(con, "SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json`")
# you can also use the connection with RJDBC calls:
dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json`")
# for local/embedded mode with default configuration info
con <- drill_jdbc("localhost:31010", use_zk=FALSE)
Other Drill JDBC API:
Other Drill JDBC API:
Other Drill JDBC API:
\concept{Drill JDBC API}