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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/drill-docker.R
\title{Start a Dockerized Drill Instance}
drill_up(image = "drill/apache-drill:1.15.0", container_name = "drill",
data_dir = getwd(), remove = TRUE)
\item{image}{Drill image to use. Must be a valid image from
\href{}{Drill's Docker Hub}. Defaults
to most recent Drill docker image.}
\item{container_name}{naem for the container. Defaults to "\code{drill}".}
\item{data_dir}{valid path to a place where your data is stored; defaults to the
value of \code{\link[=getwd]{getwd()}}. This will be \code{\link[=path.expand]{path.expand()}}ed and mapped to \code{/data}
in the container. This will be mapped to the \code{dfs} storage plugin as the
\code{dfs.d} workspace.}
\item{remove}{remove the Drill container instance after it's stopped?
Defaults to \code{TRUE} since you shouldn't be relying on this in production.}
\item{id}{the id of the Drill container}
a \code{stevedore} docker object (invisibly) which \emph{you} are responsible
for killing with the \code{$stop()} function or from the Docker command
line (in interactive mode the docker container ID is printed as well).
This is a "get you up and running quickly" helper function as it only
runs a standalone mode Drill instance and is optionally removed after the container
is stopped. You should customize your own Drill containers based on the
one at \href{}{Drill's Docker Hub}.
The path specified in \code{data_dir} will be mapped inside the container as
\code{/data} and a new \code{dfs} storage workspace will created (\code{dfs.d}) that
maps to \code{/data} and is writable.
Use \code{\link[=drill_down]{drill_down()}} to stop a running Drill container by container id
(full or partial).
this requires a working Docker setup on your system and it is \emph{highly suggested}
you \code{docker pull} it yourself before running this function.
drill_up(data_dir = "~/Data")
Other Drill Docker functions: \code{\link{killall_drill}},
\concept{Drill Docker functions}