You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/feedly-stream.R
\title{Retrieve contents of a Feedly "stream"}
ranked = c("newest", "oldest"),
unread_only = FALSE,
count = 1000L,
continuation = NULL,
feedly_token = feedly_access_token()
\item{stream_id}{the id of the stream}
\item{ranked}{one of "\code{newest}" or "\code{oldest}" (date order sort return). Default is "\code{newest}".}
\item{unread_only}{if \code{TRUE} will only return unread itemm (default is \code{FALSE})}
\item{count}{numnber of items to retrieve (API will only return a max of 1,000
items for a single response and populate \code{continuation}
with a value that should be passed to subsequent calls
to page through the results; \code{count} will be reset to 1,000
internally if this is the case)}
\item{continuation}{pagination parameter (retrieved from previous API call)}
\item{feedly_token}{Your Feedly Developer Access Token (see \code{\link[=feedly_access_token]{feedly_access_token()}})}
This endpoint returns a \code{list} with the following entries:
\item \code{id}: string the stream id, repeated.
\item \code{updated}: Optional timestamp the timestamp, in ms, of the most recent entry
for this stream (regardless of continuation, newerThan, etc).
\item \code{continuation}: Optional string the continuation id to pass to the next
stream call, for pagination. This id guarantees that no entry will be
duplicated in a stream (meaning, there is no need to de-duplicate entries
returned by this call). If this value is not returned, it means the end of
the stream has been reached.
\item \code{title}: Optional string for single feeds only, the feed title.
\item \code{direction}: Optional string for single feeds only, the feed direction ("ltr" or "rtl").
\item \code{alternate}: Optional link object for single feeds only, the feed website URL and type.
\item \code{items}: entry data frame (tibble); see below.
The \code{items} component is a data frame of "entries" that roughly follow the
Atom format. Here is a list of fields you can expect to receive (NOTE!
the number of fields returned is variable (said variable entries will have
and \emph{"optional"} in the description below) so \emph{you} need to test for
the presence of a column before using it in your code):
\item \code{id}: string the unique, immutable ID for this particular article.
\item \code{title}: Optional string the articles title. This string does not contain any HTML markup.
\item \code{content}: Optional content object the article content. This object typically
has two values:contentfor the content itself, anddirection
(ltrfor left-to-right,rtlfor right-to-left). The content itself
contains sanitized HTML markup.
\item \code{summary}: Optional content object the article summary. See the content object above.
\item \code{author}: Optional string the authors name
\item \code{crawled}: timestamp the immutable timestamp, in ms, when this article was
processed by the feedly Cloud servers.
\item \code{recrawled}: Optional timestamp the timestamp, in ms, when this article was
re-processed and updated by the feedly Cloud servers.
\item \code{published}: timestamp the timestamp, in ms, when this article was published,
as reported by the RSS feed (often inaccurate).
\item \code{updated}: Optional timestamp the timestamp, in ms, when this article was
updated, as reported by the RSS feed
\item \code{alternate}: Optional link object array a list of alternate links for this
article. Each link object contains a media type and a URL. Typically, a
single object is present, with a link to the original web page.
\item \code{origin}: Optional origin object the feed from which this article was crawled.
If present,streamIdwill contain the feed id,titlewill contain the
feed title, andhtmlUrlwill contain the feeds website.
\item \code{keywords}: Optional string array a list of keyword strings extracted from the RSS entry.
\item \code{visual}: Optional visual object an image URL for this entry. If present,
urlwill contain the image URL,widthandheightits dimension, and
contentTypeits MIME type.
\item \code{unread}: boolean was this entry read by the user? If an Authorization header
is not provided, this will always return false. If an Authorization header
is provided, it will reflect if the user has read this entry or not.
\item \code{tags}: Optional tag object array a list of tag objects (idandlabel)
that the user added to this entry. This value is only returned if an Authorization header is provided, and at least one tag has been added. If the entry has been explicitly marked as read (not the feed itself), theglobal.readtag will be present.
\item \code{categories}: category object array a list of category objects (idand
label) that the user associated with the feed of this entry. This value
is only returned if an Authorization header is provided.
\item \code{engagement}: Optional integer an indicator of how popular this entry is.
The higher the number, the more readers have read, saved or shared this
particular entry.
\item \code{actionTimestamp}: Optional timestamp for tagged articles, contains the
timestamp when the article was tagged by the user. This will only be
returned when the entry is returned through the streams API.
\item \code{enclosure}: Optional link object array a list of media links (videos,
images, sound etc) provided by the feed. Some entries do not have a summary
or content, only a collection of media links.
\item \code{fingerprint}: string the article fingerprint. This value might change if
the article is updated.
\item \code{originId}: string the unique id of this post in the RSS feed (not necessarily a URL!)
\item \code{sid}: Optional string an internal search id.
Authorization is \emph{optional} for this API call \strong{unless} you are fetching
\emph{category} or \emph{tag} streams (i.e. a stream for an RSS feed requires no
authentication). Pass in \code{NULL} to \code{feedly_token} to make unauthenticated calls
to this API endpoint.
Feed ids, category ids, tag ids or a system category id can be used as stream ids.