% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/git.R \name{git_repos} \alias{git_repos} \title{Retrieve metadata about repositories} \usage{ git_repos(username = NULL, next_id = 1, pat = sourcehut_pat()) } \arguments{ \item{username}{if not \code{NULL} then a valid SourceHut username} \item{next_id}{if there is a \code{next} field in the API response and you wish to paginate through the results, feed the value of \code{next} to the \code{next_id} parameter.} \item{pat}{see \code{\link[=sourcehut_pat]{sourcehut_pat()}}} } \description{ Retrieve metadata about repositories } \references{ \url{https://man.sr.ht/git.sr.ht/api.md} }