You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#' Retrieve metadata about yourself or another SourceHut user
#' @param username if not `NULL` then a valid SourceHut username
#' @param pat see [sourcehut_pat()]
#' @references <>
#' @export
git_user <- function(username = NULL, pat = sourcehut_pat()) {
username <- if (!is.null(username)) glue::glue("/{make_canonical(username)}") else ""
route_url <- glue::glue("{username}")
res <- make_get_request(route_url = route_url, pat = pat)
#' Retrieve metadata about repositories
#' @param username if not `NULL` then a valid SourceHut username
#' @param next_id if there is a `next` field in the API response and you wish
#' to paginate through the results, feed the value of `next` to
#' the `next_id` parameter.
#' @param pat see [sourcehut_pat()]
#' @references <>
#' @export
git_repos <- function(username = NULL, next_id = 1, pat = sourcehut_pat()) {
username <- if (!is.null(username)) glue::glue("/{make_canonical(username)}") else ""
route_url <- glue::glue("{username}/repos")
res <- make_get_request(route_url = route_url, next_id = next_id, pat = pat)