Tools to Work with the 'Splash' JavaScript Rendering Service in R
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#' Return a HAR entry response as an httr::response object
#' @param har_entry a HAR object (should contain a response body to be most useful)
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
7 anos atrás
#' library(purrr)
#' URL <- ""
#' splash_local %>%
#' splash_response_body(TRUE) %>%
7 anos atrás
#' splash_user_agent(ua_macos_chrome) %>%
#' splash_go(URL) %>%
#' splash_wait(2) %>%
#' splash_har() -> har
#' keep(har$log$entries, is_xhr) %>%
#' map(as_request) %>%
#' map(httr::content, as="parsed")
#' }
as_response <- function(har_entry) {
if (length(har_entry$response$content$text) > 0) {
content_body <- openssl::base64_decode(har_entry$response$content$text)
} else {
content_body <- NULL
url = har_entry$request$url,
status_code = har_entry$response$status,
date = lubridate::ymd_hms(har_entry$startedDateTime),
headers = setNames(map(har_entry$response$headers, "value"),
map(har_entry$response$headers, "name")) %>%
content = content_body
), class="response")