Tools to Work with the 'Splash' JavaScript Rendering Service in R
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7 yıl önce
#' Return information about Splash interaction with a website in HAR format.
#' It includes information about requests made, responses received, timings, headers, etc and
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#' is incredibly detailed, full of information on every component loaded.
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#' @md
#' @param response_body When `TRUE`, response content is included in the HAR records
#' @inheritParams render_html
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#' @family splash_renderers
#' @return a [HARtools] `har` object
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#' @references [Splash docs](
#' @export
render_har <- function(splash_obj = splash_local, url, base_url, response_body=FALSE, timeout=30, resource_timeout, wait=0,
proxy, js, js_src, filters, allowed_domains, allowed_content_types,
forbidden_content_types, viewport="1024x768", images, headers, body,
http_method, save_args, load_args, http2 = FALSE,
engine = c("webkit", "chromium")) {
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wait <- check_wait(wait)
engine <- match.arg(engine[1], c("webkit", "chromium"))
http2 <- ifelse(engine == "chromium", 1, as.integer(as.logical(http2[1])))
url = url,
timeout = timeout,
wait = wait,
viewport = jsonlite::unbox(viewport),
response_body = as.numeric(response_body),
http2 = http2,
engine = engine
) -> params
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if (!missing(base_url)) params$base_url <- jsonlite::unbox(base_url)
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if (!missing(resource_timeout)) params$resource_timeout <- resource_timeout
if (!missing(proxy)) params$proxy <- jsonlite::unbox(proxy)
if (!missing(js)) params$js <- jsonlite::unbox(js)
if (!missing(js_src)) params$js_src <- jsonlite::unbox(js_src)
if (!missing(filters)) params$filters <- jsonlite::unbox(filters)
if (!missing(allowed_domains)) params$allowed_domains <- jsonlite::unbox(allowed_domains)
if (!missing(allowed_content_types)) params$allowed_content_types <- jsonlite::unbox(allowed_content_types)
if (!missing(forbidden_content_types)) params$forbidden_content_types <- jsonlite::unbox(forbidden_content_types)
if (!missing(images)) params$images <- as.numeric(images)
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if (!missing(headers)) params$headers <- headers
if (!missing(body)) params$body <- jsonlite::unbox(body)
if (!missing(http_method)) params$http_method <- jsonlite::unbox(http_method)
if (!missing(save_args)) params$save_args <- jsonlite::unbox(save_args)
if (!missing(load_args)) params$load_args <- jsonlite::unbox(load_args)
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6 yıl önce
if (is.null(splash_obj$user)) {
res <- httr::GET(splash_url(splash_obj), path="render.har", encode="json", query=params)
} else {
res <- httr::GET(
splash_url(splash_obj), path="render.har", encode="json", query=params,
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httr::authenticate(splash_obj$user, splash_obj$pass)
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out <- httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
spl <- jsonlite::fromJSON(out, flatten=FALSE, simplifyVector=FALSE)
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7 yıl önce
#' Turn a generic Splash HAR response into a HAR object
#' @param splash_resp splash response object
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#' @export
as_har <- function(splash_resp) {
if (is.raw(splash_resp)) splash_resp <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(splash_resp),
sphar <- list(
7 yıl önce
class(sphar$log$creator) <- c("harcreator", "list")
class(sphar$log$version) <- c("harversion", "character")
class(sphar$log$browser) <- c("harbrowser", "list")
class(sphar$log$pages) <- c("harpages", "list")
class(sphar$log$entries) <- c("harentries", "list")
class(sphar$log) <- c("harlog", "list")
class(sphar) <- c("har", "list")
for (i in 1:length(sphar$log$pages)) class(sphar$log$pages[[i]]) <- c("harpage", "list")
for (i in 1:length(sphar$log$entries)) {
class(sphar$log$entries[[i]]) <- c("harentry", "list")
class(sphar$log$entries[[i]]$request) <- c("harrequest", "list")
class(sphar$log$entries[[i]]$response) <- c("harresponse", "list")
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