0.7.0 * Changed `as[._]data[._]frame()` function to `tidy_har()` * Improved API error messages * Added support for `http2` () * Added support for the alpha/experimental Splash chromium engine () 0.6.0 * Switch Docker orchestration to the `stevedore` package * Fixed minor check on as.data.frame functions * Cleaned up splashr object printing * Added Android, Kindle, Apple TV & Chromecast user agents and updated other user agents * Updated Travis config to not use old docker pkg components 0.5.0 * support Splash API basic auth * `as_data_frame`/`as.data.frame` methods for HAR objects 0.4.1 * removed clipr usage due to CRAN 0.4.0 * moved to 'docker' pacakge since it's on CRAN * temporarily removed `render_file()` support * added code coverage * CRAN release 0.3.0 * added basic pkg tests * added mini-DSL to avoid needing to write lua scripts for some common operations * added many tests for many types of objects * added HAR support * added `as_req()` * added `as_request()` * added `wait` value range check for `render_` functions (min 0, max 10) 0.2.0 * added `execute`() * modified `splash_active`() * added `splash_local` global variable to avoid typing `splash("localhost")` 0.1.0 * Initial release