% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/docker-splash.r \name{start_splash} \alias{start_splash} \title{Start a Splash server Docker container} \usage{ start_splash(tag = "latest", container_name = "splashr", remove = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{tag}{Splash Docker image tag to start} \item{container_name}{naem for the container. Defaults to "`splashr`".} \item{remove}{remove the Splash container instance after it's stopped? Defaults to `FALSE`.} \item{...}{passed on to Splash instance launch parameters} } \value{ `stevedore` container object } \description{ If using this in an automation context, you should consider adding a `Sys.sleep(3)` (or higher) after starting the docker container. } \details{ This uses the `latest` image and passed the `--disable-browser-caches` parameter. If you do not want to use the 3.2.x+ versions of `Splash` you should use your own startup scripts vs this helper function. } \note{ you need Docker running on your system and have pulled the container with [install_splash] for this to work. You should save the resultant object for use in [stop_splash] otherwise you'll have to kill it from the command line interface. } \examples{ \dontrun{ install_splash() splash_container <- start_splash() stop_splash(splash_container) } } \seealso{ Other splash_docker_helpers: \code{\link{install_splash}()}, \code{\link{stop_splash}()} } \concept{splash_docker_helpers}