% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/as_request.R \name{as_response} \alias{as_response} \title{Return a HAR entry response as an httr::response object} \usage{ as_response(har_entry) } \arguments{ \item{har_entry}{a HAR object (should contain a response body to be most useful)} } \description{ Return a HAR entry response as an httr::response object } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(purrr) URL <- "http://www.svs.cl/portal/principal/605/w3-propertyvalue-18554.html" splash_local \%>\% splash_response_body(TRUE) \%>\% splash_user_agent(ua_macos_chrome) \%>\% splash_go(URL) \%>\% splash_wait(2) \%>\% splash_har() -> har keep(har$log$entries, is_xhr) \%>\% map(as_request) \%>\% map(httr::content, as="parsed") } }