% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/dsl.r \name{splash_png} \alias{splash_png} \title{Return a screenshot of a current page in PNG format.} \usage{ splash_png(splash_obj) } \arguments{ \item{splash_obj}{splashr object} } \value{ a \link{magick} image object } \description{ Similar to \code{\link[=render_png]{render_png()}} but used in a script context. Should be the LAST element in a DSL script chain as this will execute the script and return the PNG content } \examples{ \dontrun{ splash_local \%>\% splash_user_agent(ua_macos_chrome) \%>\% splash_go("https://rud.is/b") \%>\% splash_wait(2) \%>\% splash_png() } } \seealso{ Other splash_dsl_functions: \code{\link{splash_add_lua}}, \code{\link{splash_click}}, \code{\link{splash_focus}}, \code{\link{splash_go}}, \code{\link{splash_har_reset}}, \code{\link{splash_har}}, \code{\link{splash_html}}, \code{\link{splash_press}}, \code{\link{splash_release}}, \code{\link{splash_send_keys}}, \code{\link{splash_send_text}}, \code{\link{splash_wait}} } \concept{splash_dsl_functions}