% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/helpers.r \name{get_response_body} \alias{get_response_body} \title{Retrieve the body content of a HAR entry} \usage{ get_response_body(har_resp_obj, type = c("raw", "text")) } \arguments{ \item{har_resp_obj}{HAR response object} \item{type}{return type. If \code{raw} (default) then a raw vector of the content is returned. If \code{text} then a character vector.} } \value{ A \code{raw} vector of the content or \code{NULL} or a \code{character} if \code{type} == \code{text} } \description{ Retrieve the body content of a HAR entry } \seealso{ Other splash_har_helpers: \code{\link{get_content_size}}, \code{\link{get_content_type}}, \code{\link{get_har_entry}}, \code{\link{get_request_type}}, \code{\link{get_request_url}}, \code{\link{har_entry_count}} }