% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/dsl.r \name{splash_add_lua} \alias{splash_add_lua} \title{Add raw lua code into DSL call chain} \usage{ splash_add_lua(splash_obj, lua_code) } \arguments{ \item{splash_obj}{splashr object} \item{lua_code}{length 1 character vector of raw \code{lua} code} } \description{ The \code{splashr} \code{lua} DSL (domain specific language) wrapper wraps what the package author believes to be the most common/useful \code{lua} functions. Users of the package may have need to insert some custom \code{lua} code within a DSL call chain they are building. You can insert any Splash \code{lua} code you like with this function call. } \details{ The code is inserted at the position the \code{splash_add_lua}() is called in the chain which will be within the main "splash' function which is defined as:\preformatted{function main(splash) ... end } If you need more flexibility, use the \code{\link[=execute_lua]{execute_lua()}} function. }