#' Return the HTML of the javascript-rendered page. #' #' Similar to `rvest::read_html`. #' #' @md #' @param splash_obj Object created by a call to [splash()] #' @param url The URL to render (required) #' @param base_url The base url to render the page with. #' @param timeout A timeout (in seconds) for the render (defaults to 30). Without #' reconfiguring the startup parameters of the Splash server (not this package) #' the maximum allowed value for the timeout is 60 seconds. #' @param resource_timeout A timeout (in seconds) for individual network requests. #' @param wait Time (in seconds) to wait for updates after page is loaded (defaults to 0). #' @param proxy Proxy profile name or proxy URL. #' @param js Javascript profile name. #' @param js_src JavaScript code to be executed in page context. #' @param filters Comma-separated list of request filter names. #' @param allowed_domains Comma-separated list of allowed domain names. If present, Splash #' won’t load anything neither from domains not in this list nor from subdomains of #' domains not in this list. #' @param allowed_content_types Comma-separated list of allowed content types. If present, #' Splash will abort any request if the response’s content type doesn’t match any of #' the content types in this list. Wildcards are supported. #' @param forbidden_content_types Comma-separated list of forbidden content types. If #' present, Splash will abort any request if the response’s content type matches #' any of the content types in this list. Wildcards are supported. #' @param viewport View width and height (in pixels) of the browser viewport to render the #' web page. Format is “x”, e.g. 800x600. Default value is "full". #' @param images Whether to download images. #' @param headers HTTP headers to set for the first outgoing request. #' @param body Body of HTTP POST request to be sent if method is POST. #' @param http_method HTTP method of outgoing Splash request. #' @param save_args A list of argument names to put in cache. #' @param load_args Parameter values to load from cache #' @param raw_html if `TRUE` then return a character vector vs an XML document. Only valid for `render_html` #' @family splash_renderers #' @return An XML document. Note that this is processed by [xml2::read_html()] so it will not be #' the pristine, raw, rendered HTML from the site. Use `raw_html=TRUE` if you do not want it #' to be processed first by `xml2`. If you choose `raw_html=TRUE` you'll get back a #' character vector. #' @references [Splash docs](http://splash.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html) #' @export render_html <- function(splash_obj = splash_local, url, base_url, timeout=30, resource_timeout, wait=0, proxy, js, js_src, filters, allowed_domains, allowed_content_types, forbidden_content_types, viewport="1024x768", images, headers, body, http_method, save_args, load_args, raw_html=FALSE) { wait <- check_wait(wait) params <- list(url=url, timeout=timeout, wait=wait, viewport=jsonlite::unbox(viewport)) if (!missing(base_url)) params$base_url <- jsonlite::unbox(base_url) if (!missing(resource_timeout)) params$resource_timeout <- resource_timeout if (!missing(proxy)) params$proxy <- jsonlite::unbox(proxy) if (!missing(js)) params$js <- jsonlite::unbox(js) if (!missing(js_src)) params$js_src <- jsonlite::unbox(js_src) if (!missing(filters)) params$filters <- jsonlite::unbox(filters) if (!missing(allowed_domains)) params$allowed_domains <- jsonlite::unbox(allowed_domains) if (!missing(allowed_content_types)) params$allowed_content_types <- jsonlite::unbox(allowed_content_types) if (!missing(forbidden_content_types)) params$forbidden_content_types <- jsonlite::unbox(forbidden_content_types) if (!missing(images)) params$images <- as.numeric(images) if (!missing(headers)) params$headers <- headers if (!missing(body)) params$body <- jsonlite::unbox(body) if (!missing(http_method)) params$http_method <- jsonlite::unbox(http_method) if (!missing(save_args)) params$save_args <- jsonlite::unbox(save_args) if (!missing(load_args)) params$load_args <- jsonlite::unbox(load_args) res <- httr::GET(splash_url(splash_obj), path="render.html", encode="json", query=params) httr::stop_for_status(res) out <- httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8") if (!raw_html) out <- xml2::read_html(out) out }