% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/docker-splash.r \name{start_splash} \alias{start_splash} \title{Start a Splash server Docker container} \usage{ start_splash(host = harbor::localhost, add_tempdir = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{host}{Docker host; defaults to `localhost`} \item{add_tempdir}{This is `FALSE` initially since you could try to run the splash image on a remote system. It has to be a local one for this to work. If `TRUE` then a local temporary directory (made with [tempdir()]) will be added to the mount configuration for use with [render_file()]. You will need to ensure the necessary system temp dirs are accessible as a mounts. For macOS this means adding `/private` to said Docker config.} } \value{ `harbor` `container` object } \description{ If using this in an automation context, you should consider adding a `Sys.sleep(3)` (or higher) after starting the docker container. } \note{ you need Docker running on your system and have pulled the container with [install_splash] for this to work. You should save the resultant `host` object for use in [stop_splash]. } \examples{ \dontrun{ install_splash() splash_container <- start_splash() stop_splash(splash_container) } }