Tools to Work with the 'Splash' JavaScript Rendering Service in R
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splash_url <- function(splash_obj) { sprintf("http://%s:%s", splash_obj$host, splash_obj$port) }
#' Configure parameters for connecting to a Splash server
#' @param host host or IP address
#' @param port port the server is running on (default is 8050)
#' @export
splash <- function(host, port=8050L) {
list(host=host, port=port)
#' @rdname splash
#' @export
splash_local <- splash("localhost")
s_GET <- purrr::safely(GET)
#' Test if a Splash server is up
#' @md
#' @param splash_obj A splash connection object
#' @return `TRUE` if Slash server is running, otherwise `FALSE`
#' @export
splash_active <- function(splash_obj) {
res <- s_GET(splash_url(splash_obj), path="_ping")
if (is.null(res$result)) return(FALSE)
if (httr::status_code(res$result) >=300) return(FALSE)
httr::content(res$result, as="text", encoding="UTF-8") %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON() -> out
out$url <- splash_url(splash_obj)
message(sprintf("Status of splash instance on [%s]: %s. Max RSS: %s Mb\n",
out$url, out$status, scales::comma(out$maxrss/1024/1024)))
if ("status" %in% names(out)) return(out$status == "ok")
#' Get Splash version information
#' @param splash_obj A splash connection object
#' @export
splash_version <- function(splash_obj) {
execute_lua(splash_obj, '
function main(splash)
return splash:get_version()
') -> res
#' Get information about requests/responses for the pages loaded
#' @param splash_obj A splash connection object
#' @export
splash_history <- function(splash_obj) {
execute_lua(splash_obj, '
function main(splash)
return splash:history()
') -> res
#' Get Splash performance-related statistics
#' @param splash_obj A splash connection object
#' @export
splash_perf_stats <- function(splash_obj) {
execute_lua(splash_obj, '
function main(splash)
return splash:get_perf_stats()
') -> res
#' Retrieve debug-level info for a Splash server
#' @param splash_obj A splash connection object
#' @export
splash_debug <- function(splash_obj) {
httr::GET(splash_url(splash_obj), path="_debug") %>%
httr::stop_for_status() %>%
httr::content(as="text", encoding="UTF-8") %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON() -> out
out$url <- splash_url(splash_obj)
class(out) <- c("splash_debug", class(out))
#' @rdname splash_debug
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
print.splash_debug <- function(x, ...) {