Tools to Work with the 'Splash' JavaScript Rendering Service in R
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/dsl.R
\title{Trigger mouse press event in web page.}
splash_press(splash_obj, x, y)
\item{splash_obj}{splashr object}
\item{x, y}{coordinates (distances from the left or top, relative to the current viewport)}
Trigger mouse press event in web page.
Other splash_dsl_functions: \code{\link{splash_add_lua}},
\code{\link{splash_click}}, \code{\link{splash_focus}},
\code{\link{splash_go}}, \code{\link{splash_har_reset}},
\code{\link{splash_har}}, \code{\link{splash_html}},
\code{\link{splash_png}}, \code{\link{splash_release}},
\code{\link{splash_send_text}}, \code{\link{splash_wait}}