Tools to Work with the 'Splash' JavaScript Rendering Service in R
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774 B

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\title{Return a HTML snapshot of a current page.}
splash_html(splash_obj, raw_html = FALSE)
\item{splash_obj}{splashr object}
\item{raw_html}{if \code{TRUE} then return a character vector vs an XML document.}
Similar to \code{\link[=render_html]{render_html()}} but used in a script context. Should be the LAST element in
a DSL script chain as this will execute the script and return the HTML content
splash_local \%>\%
splash_response_body(TRUE) \%>\%
splash_user_agent(ua_macos_chrome) \%>\%
splash_go("") \%>\%
splash_wait(2) \%>\%
splash_html() -> rud_pg