% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/hash-con.R \name{hash_con} \alias{hash_con} \title{Return CTP hash of one data collected from a connection} \usage{ hash_con(con, buffer_size = 32768L) } \arguments{ \item{con}{a \link{connection}} \item{buffer_size}{\code{(int)} how big of a read buffer to use? This is the "chunk size" for each call to \code{\link[=readBin]{readBin()}}.} } \value{ data frame } \description{ This function has an advantage over the other ones as it does not require the caller to read in the entire contents of a file or URL all at once, thus saving memory at a tiny hit to speed. } \examples{ # All 3 shld be the same hash_con(url("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Knuth")) hash_con(file(system.file("knuth", "local.html", package = "ssdeepr"))) hash_con(gzfile(system.file("knuth", "local.gz", package = "ssdeepr"))) }