Interrogate SSL Certificate Configuration Efficacy via 'ssllabs' API
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/analyze.r
\title{Invoke assessment and check progress}
analyze_site(host, publish = "off", start_new = NULL,
from_cache = "off", max_age = NULL, all = "on",
ignore_mismatch = "off")
\item{host}{hostname; required.}
\item{publish}{set to "on" if assessment results should be published on the public
results boards; optional, defaults to "off".}
\item{start_new}{if set to "on" then cached assessment results are ignored and a
new assessment is started. However, if there's already an assessment
in progress, its status is delivered instead. This parameter should
be used only once to initiate a new assessment; further invocations
should omit it to avoid causing an assessment loop.}
\item{from_cache}{always deliver cached assessment reports if available; optional,
defaults to "off". This parameter is intended for API consumers that
don't want to wait for assessment results. Can't be used at the same
time as the start_new parameter.}
\item{max_age}{maximum report age, in hours, if retrieving from cache (from_cache
parameter set).}
\item{all}{by default this call results only summaries of individual endpoints. If this
parameter is set to "on", full information will be returned. If set to
"done", full information will be returned only if the assessment is complete
(status is READY or ERROR).}
\item{ignore_mismatch}{set to "on" to proceed with assessments even when the server
certificate doesn't match the assessment hostname. Set to off
by default. Please note that this parameter is ignored if a
cached report is returned.}
This call is used to initiate an assessment, or to retrieve the status of an assessment
in progress or in the cache. It will return a single Host object on success. The
Endpoint object embedded in the Host object will provide partial endpoint results.
Please note that assessments of individual endpoints can fail even when the overall
assessment is successful (e.g., one server might be down). At this time, you can
determine the success of an endpoint assessment by checking the \code{statusMessage} field;
it should contain "Ready".
analyze_site(host = "", from_cache = TRUE)