Interrogate SSL Certificate Configuration Efficacy via 'ssllabs' API
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#' Invoke assessment and check progress
#' This call is used to initiate an assessment, or to retrieve the status of an assessment
#' in progress or in the cache. It will return a single Host object on success. The
#' Endpoint object embedded in the Host object will provide partial endpoint results.
#' Please note that assessments of individual endpoints can fail even when the overall
#' assessment is successful (e.g., one server might be down). At this time, you can
#' determine the success of an endpoint assessment by checking the statusMessage field;
#' it should contain "Ready".
#' @param host hostname; required.
#' @param publish set to "on" if assessment results should be published on the public
#' results boards; optional, defaults to "off".
#' @param start_new if set to "on" then cached assessment results are ignored and a
#' new assessment is started. However, if there's already an assessment
#' in progress, its status is delivered instead. This parameter should
#' be used only once to initiate a new assessment; further invocations
#' should omit it to avoid causing an assessment loop.
#' @param from_cache always deliver cached assessment reports if available; optional,
#' defaults to "off". This parameter is intended for API consumers that
#' don't want to wait for assessment results. Can't be used at the same
#' time as the start_new parameter.
#' @param max_age maximum report age, in hours, if retrieving from cache (from_cache
#' parameter set).
#' @param all by default this call results only summaries of individual endpoints. If this
#' parameter is set to "on", full information will be returned. If set to
#' "done", full information will be returned only if the assessment is complete
#' (status is READY or ERROR).
#' @param ignore_mismatch set to "on" to proceed with assessments even when the server
#' certificate doesn't match the assessment hostname. Set to off
#' by default. Please note that this parameter is ignored if a
#' cached report is returned.
#' @references \url{}
#' @export
analyze_site <- function(host, publish="off", start_new=NULL,
from_cache="off", max_age=NULL,
all="on", ignore_mismatch="off") {
res <- httr::GET("",
dat <- httr::content(res, as="text")
jsonlite::fromJSON(dat, flatten=TRUE)