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10 years ago
statebins is an alternative to choropleth maps for US States
10 years ago
The following functions are implemented:
10 years ago
- `statebins` - creates "statebin" charts in the style of <> - This version uses discrete `RColorBrewer` scales, binned by the "breaks" parameter.
- `statebins_continuous` - creates "statebin" charts in the style of <> - This version uses a continuous scale based on `RColorBrewer` scales (passing in a 6 element `RColorBrewer` palette to `scale_fill_gradientn`).
10 years ago
### News
- Version `1.0.0` released
### Installation
``` {.r}
### Usage
``` {.r}
# current verison
## [1] '1.0'
``` {.r}
10 years ago
# the original wapo data
10 years ago
dat <- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
gg <- statebins(dat, "state", "avgshare94_00", breaks=4,
labels=c("0-1", "1-2", "2-3", "3-4"),
10 years ago
legend_title="State Groups", font_size=3,
10 years ago
brewer_pal="Blues", text_color="black",
plot_title="1994-2000", title_position="bottom")
![plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3](./_README_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-31.png)
``` {.r}
10 years ago
# continuous scale, legend on top
10 years ago
gg2 <- statebins_continuous(dat, "state", "avgshare01_07",
10 years ago
legend_title="State Data", legend_position="top",
brewer_pal="OrRd", text_color="black", font_size=3,
plot_title="2001-2007", title_position="bottom")
10 years ago
![plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3](./_README_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-32.png)
10 years ago
``` {.r}
10 years ago
# continuous scale, no legend
10 years ago
gg3 <- statebins_continuous(dat, "state", "avgshare08_12",
10 years ago
legend_title="States", legend_position="none",
brewer_pal="Purples", text_color="black", font_size=3,
plot_title="2008-2012", title_position="bottom")
10 years ago
![plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3](./_README_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-33.png)
10 years ago
``` {.r}
# or, more like the one in the WaPo article; i might be picking the wrong columns here. it's just for an example
sb <- function(col, title) {
statebins(dat, "state",col, brewer_pal="Blues", text_color="black", legend_position="none", font_size=3, plot_title=title, breaks=4, labels=1:4)
image(1:4, 1, as.matrix(1:4), col = brewer.pal(4, name="Blues"), xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n")
![plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3](./_README_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-34.png)
``` {.r}
grid.arrange(sb("avgshare94_00", "1994-2000"), sb("avgshare01_07", "2001-2007"),
sb("avgshare08_12", "2008-2012"), ncol=2)
![plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3](./_README_files/figure-markdown_github/unnamed-chunk-35.png)
10 years ago
### Test Results
``` {.r}
10 years ago
## [1] "Tue Aug 26 13:18:47 2014"
10 years ago
``` {.r}
## basic functionality :