#' Create a new ggplot-based "statebin" chart for USA states/territories #' #' Pass in a data frame and get back a square choropleth. #' #' The `state_col` and `value_col` parameters default to `state` and `value`. That means #' if you name the columns you want to plot with those names, you can forego passing them #' in. Othersise, use `"strings"`. #' #' A _handy_ feature of this function is that you can specify a `dark_label` color #' and a `light_label` color. What does that mean? Well, you also pass in the #' color scale function you're going to use and `statebins` will apply it and use #' that information to determine what the tile color is and --- if it's "dark" it will #' use the `light_label` and if it's "light" it will use the `dark_label` color. That #' means the labels will never blend in to the background (as long as you specify #' decent label colors). #' #' You can customize the scale function you pass in by using name parameters. All named #' parameters not used by `statebins()` itself get passed to the scale function. #' #' @md #' @param state_data data frame of states and values to plot #' @param state_col column name in \code{state_data} that has the states. no duplicates #' and can be names (e.g. "\code{Maine}") or abbreviatons (e.g. "\code{ME}") #' @param value_col column name in \code{state_data} that holds the values to be plotted #' @param dark_label,light_label,na_label dark/light/NA label colors. The specified color will be used #' when the algorithm determines labels should be inverted. #' @param font_size font size (default = \code{3}) #' @param state_border_col default "\code{white}" - this creates the "spaces" between boxes #' @param state_border_size border size #' @param round rounded corners (default: `FALSE`) #' @param radius if `round` is `TRUE` then use `grid::unit` to specify the corner radius. #' Default is `grid::unit(6, "pt")` if using rounded corners. #' @param ggplot2_scale_function ggplot2 scale function to use. Defaults to `scale_fill_distiller` #' since you're likely passing in continuous data when you shouldn't be :-) #' @param ... additional parameters to the scale function #' @return ggplot2 object #' @export #' @examples #' data(USArrests) #' #' USArrests$state <- rownames(USArrests) #' statebins(USArrests, value_col="Assault", name = "Assault") + #' theme_statebins(legend_position="right") statebins <- function(state_data, state_col="state", value_col="value", dark_label="black", light_label="white", na_label="white", font_size=3, state_border_col="white", state_border_size=2, round=FALSE, radius=grid::unit(6, "pt"), ggplot2_scale_function=ggplot2::scale_fill_distiller, ...) { state_data <- data.frame(state_data, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) if (max(nchar(state_data[,state_col])) <= 3) { merge.x <- "abbrev" } else { merge.x <- "state" } state_data <- validate_states(state_data, state_col, merge.x) st.dat <- merge(state_coords, state_data, by.x=merge.x, by.y=state_col, all.y=TRUE, sort=TRUE) gg <- ggplot() if (round) { gg <- gg + geom_rtile(data = st.dat, radius = radius, aes_string(x = "col", y = "row", fill = value_col), color = state_border_col, size = state_border_size) } else { gg <- gg + geom_tile(data = st.dat, aes_string(x = "col", y = "row", fill = value_col), color = state_border_col, size = state_border_size) } gg <- gg + scale_y_reverse() gg <- gg + ggplot2_scale_function(...) gg <- gg + coord_equal() gg <- gg + labs(x = NULL, y = NULL) gb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg) gg <- gg + geom_text(data = st.dat, aes_string(x = "col", y = "row", label = "abbrev"), angle = 0, color = .sb_invert(gb$data[[1]]$fill, dark_label, light_label, na_label), size = font_size) gg }