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Functions are provided that allow for use of a binned, discrete scale, a continuous scale or manually specified colors depending on what is needed for the underlying data. ## What’s Inside The Tin The following functions are implemented: - `geom_statebins`: A statebins Geom - `theme_statebins`: Base statebins theme ## Installation ``` r install.packages("statebins", repos = "https://cinc.rud.is") # or remotes::install_git("https://git.rud.is/hrbrmstr/statebins.git") # or remotes::install_gitlab("hrbrmstr/statebins") # or remotes::install_bitbucket("hrbrmstr/statebins") # or remotes::install_github("hrbrmstr/statebins") ``` NOTE: To use the ‘remotes’ install options you will need to have the [{remotes} package](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes) installed. ## Usage All of the following examples use the [WaPo data](http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/business/states-most-threatened-by-trade/states.csv?cache=1). It looks like the columns they use are scaled data and I didn’t take the time to figure out what they did, so the final figure just mimics their output (including the non-annotated legend). ``` r library(statebins) library(cdcfluview) library(hrbrthemes) library(tidyverse) # current verison packageVersion("statebins") ## [1] '2.0.0' ``` ### The original wapo data ``` r adat <- read_csv(system.file("extdata", "wapostates.csv", package="statebins")) mutate( adat, share = cut(avgshare94_00, breaks = 4, labels = c("0-1", "1-2", "2-3", "3-4")) ) %>% statebins( value_col = "share", ggplot2_scale_function = scale_fill_brewer, name = "Share of workforce with jobs lost or threatened by trade" ) + labs(title = "1994-2000") + theme_statebins() ``` ### Continuous scale, legend on top ``` r statebins( adat, value_col = "avgshare01_07", name = "Share of workforce with jobs lost or threatened by trade", palette = "OrRd", direction = 1 ) + labs(x="2001-2007") + theme_statebins(legend_position="top") ``` ### Continuous scale, no legend ``` r statebins(adat, value_col = "avgshare08_12", palette = "Purples") + labs(x="2008-2010") + theme_statebins(legend_position = "none") ``` ### Mortality data (has Puerto Rico) ``` r # from: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/state-and-territorial-data.htm dat <- read_csv(system.file("extdata", "deaths.csv", package="statebins")) statebins(dat, value_col = "death_rate", name="Per 100K pop") + labs(title="Mortality Rate (2010)") + theme_statebins() ``` ### Fertility data ``` r statebins(dat, value_col="fertility_rate", name="Per 100K pop", palette="PuBuGn") + labs(title="Fertility Rate (2010)") + theme_statebins() ``` ### Manual - perhaps good for elections? ``` r election_2012 <- suppressMessages(read_csv(system.file("extdata", "election2012.csv", package="statebins"))) mutate(election_2012, value = ifelse(is.na(Obama), "Romney", "Obama")) %>% statebins( font_size=4, dark_label = "white", light_label = "white", ggplot2_scale_function = scale_fill_manual, name = "Winner", values = c(Romney = "#2166ac", Obama = "#b2182b") ) + theme_statebins() ``` ### Rounded rects\! You can pass in a `grid::units()` call for the `radius` parameter. Slight curves: ``` r data(USArrests) USArrests$state <- rownames(USArrests) statebins(USArrests, value_col="Assault", name = "Assault", round=TRUE) + theme_statebins(legend_position="right") ``` Circles\! ``` r statebins(USArrests, value_col="Assault", name = "Assault", round=TRUE, radius=grid::unit(16, "pt"), palette="Reds", direction=1) + theme_statebins(legend_position="right") ``` ### Geom ``` r flu <- ili_weekly_activity_indicators(2017) ggplot(flu, aes(state=statename, fill=activity_level)) + geom_statebins() + coord_equal() + viridis::scale_fill_viridis( name = "ILI Activity Level ", limits=c(0,10), breaks=0:10, option = "magma", direction = -1 ) + facet_wrap(~weekend) + labs(title="2017-18 Flu Season ILI Activity Level") + theme_statebins(base_family = font_ps) + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=16, hjust=0)) + theme(plot.margin = margin(30,30,30,30)) ``` ### All the “states” `statebins` now has PR, VI & NYC (by name or abbreviation) so you can use them, too: ``` r library(statebins) library(tidyverse) library(viridis) data(USArrests) # make up some data for the example rownames_to_column(USArrests, "state") %>% bind_rows( data_frame( state = c("Virgin Islands", "Puerto Rico", "New York City"), Murder = rep(mean(max(USArrests$Murder),3)), Assault = rep(mean(max(USArrests$Assault),3)), Rape = rep(mean(max(USArrests$Rape),3)), UrbanPop = c(93, 95, 100) ) ) -> us_arrests statebins(us_arrests, value_col="Assault", ggplot2_scale_function = viridis::scale_fill_viridis) + labs(title="USArrests + made up data") + theme_statebins("right") ```