You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

145 lines
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#' A statebins Geom (WIP!)
#' WIP!!!!!!!!!!! Full geom documentation coming soon. See Details and the Examples for now.
#' For now, you pass in:
#' - `border_col` (border color of the state squares, default "`white`")
#' - `border_size` (thickness of the square state borders)
#' - `lbl_size` (the relative font size of the state label text, default `3`)
#' - `dark_lbl` (the color for the state label text when it shld be dark text on light background)
#' - `light_lbl` (the color for the state label text when it shld be light text on dark background)
#' - `radius` (corner radius --- `0` for a "square")
#' You also need to (ok, _should_) pass in two `aes()` mappings:
#' - `state` (so the geom knows which column to map the state names/abbrevs to)
#' - `fill` (which column you're mapping the filling for the squares with)
#' @md
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(statebins)
#' library(cdcfluview)
#' library(hrbrthemes)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' flu <- ili_weekly_activity_indicators(2017)
#' ggplot(flu, aes(state=statename, fill=activity_level)) +
#' geom_statebins() +
#' coord_equal() +
#' viridis::scale_fill_viridis(
#' name = "ILI Activity Level ", limits=c(0,10), breaks=0:10, option = "magma", direction = -1
#' ) +
#' facet_wrap(~weekend) +
#' labs(title="2017-18 Flu Season ILI Activity Level") +
#' theme_statebins(base_family = font_ps) +
#' theme(plot.title=element_text(size=16, hjust=0)) +
#' theme(plot.margin = margin(30,30,30,30))
#' }
geom_statebins <- function(
mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
border_col = "white", border_size = 2,
lbl_size = 3, dark_lbl = "black", light_lbl = "white",
radius = grid::unit(6, "pt"),
na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE) {
data = data,
mapping = mapping,
stat = "identity",
geom = GeomStatebins,
position = "identity",
show.legend = show.legend,
inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(
border_col = border_col,
border_size = border_size,
lbl_size = lbl_size,
dark_lbl = dark_lbl,
light_lbl = light_lbl,
radius = radius,
na.rm = na.rm,
#' @rdname geom_statebins
#' @export
GeomStatebins <- ggplot2::ggproto("GeomStatebins", ggplot2::Geom,
default_aes = ggplot2::aes(
fill = "grey20", colour = NA, size = 0.1, linetype = 1,
state = "state", label="abbrev", angle = 0, hjust = 0.5,
vjust = 0.5, alpha = NA, family = "", fontface = 1, lineheight = 1.2
extra_params = c("na.rm", "width", "height"),
setup_data = function(data, params) {
# message("setup_data()")
# saveRDS(data, "/tmp/data.rds")
state_data <- data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (max(nchar(state_data[,"state"])) <= 3) {
merge.x <- "abbrev"
} else {
merge.x <- "state"
state_data <- validate_states(state_data, "state", merge.x, ignore_dups=TRUE)
st.dat <- merge(b_state_coords, state_data,
by.x=merge.x, by.y="state", all.y=TRUE, sort=TRUE)
st.dat$width <- st.dat$width %||% params$width %||% ggplot2::resolution(st.dat$x, FALSE)
st.dat$height <- st.dat$height %||% params$height %||% ggplot2::resolution(st.dat$y, FALSE)
xmin = x - width / 2, xmax = x + width / 2, width = NULL,
ymin = y - height / 2, ymax = y + height / 2, height = NULL
) -> xdat
saveRDS(xdat, "/tmp/setupdata.rds")
required_aes = c("state", "fill"),
draw_panel = function(self, data, panel_params, coord,
border_col = "white", border_size = 2,
lbl_size = 3, dark_lbl = "black", light_lbl = "white",
radius = grid::unit(6, "pt")) {
tile_data <- data
tile_data$size <- 2
tile_data$colour <- border_col
tile_data$size <- border_size
text_data <- data
text_data$label <- data$abbrev
text_data$fill <- NA
text_data$size <- lbl_size
text_data$colour <- .sb_invert(data$fill, dark_lbl, light_lbl)
coord <- coord_equal()
GeomRtile$draw_panel(tile_data, panel_params, coord, radius),
ggplot2::GeomText$draw_panel(text_data, panel_params, coord)
) -> grobs
ggname("geom_statebins", grid::grobTree(children = grobs))
draw_key = ggplot2::draw_key_polygon