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.sb_invert <- function(hex_color, dark_color="black", light_color="white",
na_color="white") {
hex_color <- gsub("#", "", hex_color)
R <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(paste("0x", substr(hex_color,1,2), sep="")))
G <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(paste("0x", substr(hex_color,3,4), sep="")))
B <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(paste("0x", substr(hex_color,5,6), sep="")))
YIQ <- ((R*299) + (G*587) + (B*114)) / 1000
ifelse(, na_color,
YIQ >= 128, dark_color, light_color)
# sanity checks for state values
validate_states <- function(state_data, state_col, merge.x, ignore_dups=FALSE) {
good_states <- state_data[,state_col] %in% state_coords[,merge.x]
if (any(!good_states)) {
invalid <- state_data[,state_col][which(!good_states)]
state_data <- state_data[which(good_states),]
warning("Found invalid state values: ", invalid)
if (!ignore_dups) {
dups <- duplicated(state_data[,state_col])
if (any(dups)) {
state_data <- state_data[which(!dups),]
warning("Removing duplicate state rows")
"%||%" <- function(a, b) { if (!is.null(a)) a else b }
.pt <- 2.84527559055118