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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/generate-screenshot.R
\title{Generate a webpage screenshot}
quality = 100L,
full_page = FALSE,
mobile = FALSE,
width = NULL,
type = c("jpeg", "png", "webp"),
\item{url}{the URL to screenshot}
\item{quality}{image quality. Defaults to 100 (i.e. 100\%)}
\item{full_page}{generate a full page scren shot (may be very "long"). Default \code{FALSE}.}
\item{mobile}{generate a screenshot of a mobile version of the website? Default \code{FALSE}.}
\item{width}{screen width (pixels). Defaults to \code{NULL} which uses the Statically
default (which appears to be 1280).}
\item{type}{which image format to request. This function returns a \code{{magick}} object
regardless of what is specified here. Using a type other than "\code{jpeg}"
(the API default and this function's default) may result in subtly different
\item{...}{passed on to \code{\link[httr:GET]{httr::GET()}}.}
\code{{magick}} object
Generate a webpage screenshot