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% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/soc.R
\title{Read colors from OpenOffice Palette (SOC) files}
read_soc(path, use_names = TRUE, .verbose = FALSE)
\item{path}{partial or full file path or URL to a GPL file}
\item{use_names}{add color names to the vector (defaults to \code{TRUE}). See NOTE}
\item{.verbose}{show extra information about GPL file processing}
Given a path or URL to an \code{.soc} file, this function will return
a named character vector (if color names are present) of hex RGB colors.
When using named color palettes in a \code{ggplot2} \code{scale_} context, you
must \code{unname} them or set \code{use_names} to \code{FALSE}.
Not sure if this is a bug or a deliberate feature in ggplot2.
# built-in palette
soc_file <- system.file("palettes", "ccooo.soc", package="swatches")
system(sprintf("cat \%s", soc_file))
ccooo <- read_soc(soc_file)
# from the internet directly
# galaxy <- read_soc("")
# print(galaxy)
# show_palette(galaxy)