Browse Source


boB Rudis 3 years ago
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 1D7529BE14E2BBA9
  1. 50


@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ remotes::install_git("")
# or # or
remotes::install_gitlab("hrbrmstr/swiftr") remotes::install_gitlab("hrbrmstr/swiftr")
# or # or
# or
remotes::install_github("hrbrmstr/swiftr") remotes::install_github("hrbrmstr/swiftr")
``` ```
@ -98,38 +100,38 @@ read_plist("/Applications/") %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON() %>% jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
str(1) str(1)
## List of 32 ## List of 32
## $ CFBundleVersion : chr "1.4.1093-1"
## $ NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription : chr "R wants write access to the photo library."
## $ NSHighResolutionCapable : logi TRUE
## $ NSCalendarsUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access calendars." ## $ NSCalendarsUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access calendars."
## $ CFBundleLongVersionString : chr "1.4.1093-1"
## $ NSContactsUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access contacts."
## $ CFBundleGetInfoString : chr "RStudio 1.4.1093-1, © 2009-2020 RStudio, PBC"
## $ NSPrincipalClass : chr "NSApplication"
## $ NSCameraUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access the camera."
## $ NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access the photo library."
## $ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion : chr "6.0"
## $ NSRemindersUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access the reminders."
## $ CFBundleSignature : chr "Rstd"
## $ CFBundleIconFile : chr "RStudio.icns"
## $ LSRequiresCarbon : logi TRUE ## $ LSRequiresCarbon : logi TRUE
## $ NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription : chr "R wants write access to the photo library." ## $ LSApplicationCategoryType : chr ""
## $ CFBundleExecutable : chr "RStudio"
## $ CFBundlePackageType : chr "APPL" ## $ CFBundlePackageType : chr "APPL"
## $ NSRemindersUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access the reminders." ## $ NSAppleScriptEnabled : logi TRUE
## $ CFBundleDocumentTypes :'data.frame': 16 obs. of 8 variables:
## $ OSAScriptingDefinition : chr "RStudio.sdef"
## $ CSResourcesFileMapped : logi TRUE
## $ NSHumanReadableCopyright : chr "RStudio 1.4.1093-1, © 2009-2020 RStudio, PBC"
## $ CFBundleDevelopmentRegion : chr "English"
## $ CFBundleIdentifier : chr "org.rstudio.RStudio" ## $ CFBundleIdentifier : chr "org.rstudio.RStudio"
## $ NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription: chr "R wants to access bluetooth."
## $ NSAppleEventsUsageDescription : chr "R wants to run AppleScript."
## $ NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access location information." ## $ NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access location information."
## $ CFBundleShortVersionString : chr "1.4.1093-1"
## $ NSMicrophoneUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access the microphone." ## $ NSMicrophoneUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access the microphone."
## $ LSApplicationCategoryType : chr ""
## $ NSHumanReadableCopyright : chr "RStudio 1.4.1093-1, © 2009-2020 RStudio, PBC"
## $ CFBundleIconFile : chr "RStudio.icns"
## $ NSAppleScriptEnabled : logi TRUE
## $ CFBundleVersion : chr "1.4.1093-1"
## $ CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion : chr "6.0"
## $ CFBundleGetInfoString : chr "RStudio 1.4.1093-1, © 2009-2020 RStudio, PBC"
## $ CSResourcesFileMapped : logi TRUE
## $ CFBundleName : chr "RStudio" ## $ CFBundleName : chr "RStudio"
## $ NSHighResolutionCapable : logi TRUE
## $ NSContactsUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access contacts."
## $ NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching : logi TRUE ## $ NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching : logi TRUE
## $ NSCameraUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access the camera."
## $ NSAppleEventsUsageDescription : chr "R wants to run AppleScript."
## $ NSPrincipalClass : chr "NSApplication"
## $ OSAScriptingDefinition : chr "RStudio.sdef"
## $ NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription: chr "R wants to access bluetooth."
## $ CFBundleDocumentTypes :'data.frame': 16 obs. of 8 variables:
## $ CFBundleShortVersionString : chr "1.4.1093-1"
## $ CFBundleDevelopmentRegion : chr "English"
## $ NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription : chr "R wants to access the photo library."
## $ CFBundleLongVersionString : chr "1.4.1093-1"
## $ CFBundleSignature : chr "Rstd"
## $ CFBundleExecutable : chr "RStudio"
``` ```
## swiftr Metrics ## swiftr Metrics
