% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/swift-function.R \name{swift_function} \alias{swift_function} \title{Define an R Function with a Swift Implementation} \usage{ swift_function(code, cache_dir = tempdir()) } \arguments{ \item{code}{Source code for the Swift function definition.} \item{cache_dir}{Directory to use for caching shared libraries. The default value of \code{\link[=tempdir]{tempdir()}} results in the cache being valid only for the current R session. Pass an alternate directory to preserve the cache across R sessions.} } \description{ Dynamically define an R function with Swift source code. Compiles and links a shard library with bindings to the Swift function then defines an R function that uses \code{.Call} to invoke the library. } \note{ Remember that the function need to be \code{public} and that you need to put the required \verb{@_cdecl ("…")} decorator before the function definition. }