#' Define an R Function with a Swift Implementation #' #' Dynamically define an R function with Swift source code. Compiles and links #' a shard library with bindings to the Swift function then defines an R function #' that uses `.Call` to invoke the library. #' #' @param code Source code for the Swift function definition. #' @param env Environment where the R functions and modules should be made available. #' @param imports Character vector of Swift frameworks to import. #' @param cache_dir Directory to use for caching shared libraries. The default #' value of [tempdir()] results in the cache being valid only for the current #' R session. Pass an alternate directory to preserve the cache across R sessions. #' @note Remember that the function need to be `public` and that you need to put #' the required `@@_cdecl ("…")` decorator before the function definition. #' @export swift_function <- function(code, env = globalenv(), imports = c("Foundation"), cache_dir = tempdir()) { arch <- sprintf("--%s", Sys.info()["machine"]) swiftc <- Sys.which("swiftc") bridging_header <- system.file("include", "swift-r-glue.h", package = "swiftr") source_file <- basename(tempfile(fileext = ".swift")) module_name <- sprintf("swiftr_%s", digest::digest(code)) writeLines( text = c( sprintf("import %s", imports), code ), con = file.path(cache_dir, source_file) ) wd <- getwd() on.exit(setwd(wd)) setwd(cache_dir) stdout <- tempfile(fileext = ".out") stderr <- tempfile(fileext = ".err") # preflight to get info system2( command = swiftc, args = c( "-I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Headers", "-F/Library/Frameworks", "-framework", "R", "-import-objc-header", bridging_header, "-parseable-output", "-print-ast", file.path(cache_dir, source_file) ), stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr ) -> res if (res == 0) { stri_replace_all_regex( readLines(stderr, warn=FALSE), pattern = "^([[:digit:]]+)$", replacement = ',"$1":' ) -> l l[1] <- stri_replace_first_regex(l[1], "^,", "{") writeLines(c(l, "}"), stderr) preflight <- jsonlite::fromJSON(stderr, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE) system2( command = swiftc, args = c( "-I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Headers", "-F/Library/Frameworks", "-framework", "R", "-emit-library", "-module-name", module_name, "-import-objc-header", bridging_header, "-parseable-output", file.path(cache_dir, source_file) ), stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr ) -> res if (res == 0) { stri_replace_all_regex( readLines(stderr, warn=FALSE), pattern = "^([[:digit:]]+)$", replacement = ',"$1":' ) -> l l[1] <- stri_replace_first_regex(l[1], "^,", "{") writeLines(c(l, "}"), stderr) postflight <- jsonlite::fromJSON(stderr, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE) code <- unlist(stri_split_lines(preflight[[4]]$output, omit_empty = TRUE)) func <- grep("^[[:space:]]*public[[:space:]]+func[[:space:]]+", code, value = TRUE) stri_match_first_regex( str = func, pattern = " ^[[:space:]]* public [[:space:]]+ func [[:space:]]+ ([^\\(]+) ", opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(comments = TRUE) ) -> fname fname <- fname[,2] params <- stri_replace_first_regex(func, "^[^\\(]+\\(", "") params <- stri_replace_last_regex(params, "\\).*$", "") params <- stri_replace_all_regex(params, "_[[:space:]]+", "") params <- unlist(stri_split_regex(params, ",[[:space:]]*")) params <- stri_match_first_regex(params, "([^:]+):")[,2] try(dyn.unload(file.path(cache_dir, sprintf("lib%s.dylib", module_name))), silent=TRUE) dyn.load(file.path(cache_dir, sprintf("lib%s.dylib", module_name))) rsrc_fil <- tempfile(fileext = ".R") paste0(c( sprintf( "%s <- function(%s) {", fname, ifelse(is.na(params[1]), "", paste0(params, collapse = ", ")) ), sprintf( ' .Call("%s"%s%s)', fname, ifelse(is.na(params[1]), "", ", "), ifelse(is.na(params[1]), "", paste0(params, collapse = ", ")) ), "}"), collapse = "\n" ) -> ƒ eval(parse(text = ƒ), envir = env) # list( # fname = fname, # params = params, # pre = preflight, # post = postflight # ) } else { message("COMPILATION ERROR") # cat(readLines(stderr)) } } else { message("SYNTAX ERROR") # cat(readLines(stderr)) } }