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22 lines
557 B

#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for NULL
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
/* .Call calls */
extern SEXP hey();
extern SEXP plus_one(SEXP);
extern SEXP part_of_speech(SEXP);
static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
{"hey", (DL_FUNC) &hey, 0},
{"plus_one", (DL_FUNC) &plus_one, 1},
{"part_of_speech", (DL_FUNC) &part_of_speech, 1},
void R_init_daybreak(DllInfo *dll) {
R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);
R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);