#' Make a socket connection to a tCam device #' #' @param host,port IP/hostname + port; defaults to the device defaults #' @export tcam_connect <- function(host = "", port = 5001) { socketConnection( host = host, port = port, open = "a+b" ) } #' Returns a packet with camera status. #' #' @param con open socket connection from [tcam_connect()] #' @export get_status <- function(con) { writeBin( object = c(as.raw(0x02), charToRaw('{"cmd":"get_status"}'), as.raw(0x03)), con = con, useBytes = TRUE ) -> res Sys.sleep(0.5) readChar( con = con, nchars = 2048L, useBytes = TRUE ) %>% stri_replace_all_regex("\002|\003", "") %>% fparse() } #' Returns a packet with metadata, radiometric (or AGC) image data and Lepton telemetry objects. #' #' @param con open socket connection from [tcam_connect()] #' @export get_image <- function(con) { tmp <- get_status(con) writeBin( object = c(as.raw(0x02), charToRaw('{"cmd":"get_image"}'), as.raw(0x03)), con = con, useBytes = TRUE ) -> res Sys.sleep(0.5) readChar( con = con, nchars = 65536L, useBytes = TRUE ) %>% stri_replace_all_regex("\002|\003", "") %>% fparse() }