% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/core.R \name{get_lep_cci} \alias{get_lep_cci} \title{Reads and returns specified data from the Lepton's CCI interface.} \usage{ get_lep_cci(con, command, length) } \arguments{ \item{con}{open socket connection from \code{\link[=tcam_connect]{tcam_connect()}}} \item{command}{decimal representation of the 16-bit Lepton \code{COMMAND} register value. For example, the value \code{20172} above is \code{0x4ECC} (RAD Spotmeter Region of Interest).} \item{length}{decimal number of 16-bit words to read (\code{1-512}).} } \description{ Reads and returns specified data from the Lepton's CCI interface. } \references{ \href{https://www.flir.com/globalassets/imported-assets/document/flir-lepton-software-interface-description-document.pdf}{FLIR LEPTON Software Interface Description Document (IDD)} }