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#' Return a tidy data frame of Lepton radiometric data retrieved with [get_image()]
#' Converts the base64 16-bit coded Kelvin radiometric data to a tidy "XYZ"
#' data frame in Fahrenheit.
#' @param img_data data structure retrieved with [get_image()]
#' @returns data frame of `x`, `y`, and `value`
#' @export
tidy_radiometric <- function(img_data) {
if (!hasName(img_data, "radiometric")) {
stop("Data structure does not seem to be tCam radiometric image data.", call.=FALSE)
openssl::base64_decode(img_data$radiometric) %>%
what = "integer",
n = 19200,
size = 2
) %>%
nrow = 120,
ncol = 160,
byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(120:1)
) -> m %>%
mutate(y = rownames(m)) %>%
gather(x, value, -y) %>%
~sub("V", "", .)
) %>%
x = as.integer(x),
y = as.integer(y),
value = ((value / 100) * 1.8) - 459.67 # convert to degrees F b/c I'm a brutish Murican
) -> xdf
xdf[,c("x", "y", "value")]