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#' Create a new t-Digest histogram from a vector
#' The t-Digest construction algorithm, by Dunning et al., uses a variant of 1-dimensional
#' k-means clustering to produce a very compact data structure that allows
#' accurate estimation of quantiles. This t-Digest data structure can be used
#' to estimate quantiles, compute other rank statistics or even to estimate
#' related measures like trimmed means. The advantage of the t-Digest over
#' previous digests for this purpose is that the t-Digest handles data with
#' full floating point resolution. The accuracy of quantile estimates produced
#' by t-Digests can be orders of magnitude more accurate than those produced
#' by previous digest algorithms. Methods are provided to create and update
#' t-Digests and retrieve quantiles from the accumulated distributions.
#' @param vec vector (will be converted to `double` if not already double).
#' NOTE that this is ALTREP-aware and will not materialize the passed-in
#' object in order to add the values to the t-Digest.
#' @param compression the input compression value; should be >= 1.0; this
#' will control how aggressively the t-Digest compresses data together.
#' The original t-Digest paper suggests using a value of 100 for a good
#' balance between precision and efficiency. It will land at very small
#' (think like 1e-6 percentile points) errors at extreme points in the
#' distribution, and compression ratios of around 500 for large data sets
#' (~1 million datapoints). Defaults to 100.
#' @return a `tdigest` object
#' @references [Computing Extremely Accurate Quantiles Using t-Digests](
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @useDynLib tdigest, .registration = TRUE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1492)
#' x <- sample(0:100, 1000000, replace = TRUE)
#' td <- tdigest(x, 1000)
#' tquantile(td, c(0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.99, 1))
#' quantile(td)
tdigest <- function(vec, compression=100) {
if (!is.double(vec)) vec <- as.double(vec)
.Call("Rtdig", vec=vec, compression=compression)
#' Calculate sample quantiles from a t-Digest
#' @param td t-Digest object
#' @param probs numeric vector of probabilities with values in range 0:1
#' @export
#' @return a `numeric` vector containing the requested quantile values
#' @references <>
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1492)
#' x <- sample(0:100, 1000000, replace = TRUE)
#' td <- tdigest(x, 1000)
#' tquantile(td, c(0, .01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.99, 1))
#' quantile(td)
tquantile <- function(td, probs) {
stopifnot(inherits(td, "tdigest"))
if (!is.double(probs)) probs <- as.double(probs)
.Call("Rtquant", tdig=td, probs=probs, PACKAGE="tdigest")
#' @param x numeric vector whose sample quantiles are wanted
#' @param ... unused
#' @rdname tquantile
#' @export
quantile.tdigest <- function(x, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), ...) {
tquantile(x, probs=probs)
#' @rdname tdigest
#' @param x `tdigest` object
#' @param ... unused
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
print.tdigest <- function(x, ...) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "tdigest"))
if (is_null_xptr(x)) {
cat("<tdigest; invalid xptr>\n")
} else {
"<tdigest; size=",
formatC(td_total_count(x), format="fg", big.mark=","),
">\n", sep=""
#' Allocate a new histogram
#' @param compression the input compression value; should be >= 1.0; this
#' will control how aggressively the t-Digest compresses data together.
#' The original t-Digest paper suggests using a value of 100 for a good
#' balance between precision and efficiency. It will land at very small
#' (think like 1e-6 percentile points) errors at extreme points in the
#' distribution, and compression ratios of around 500 for large data sets
#' (~1 million datapoints). Defaults to 100.
#' @export
#' @return a `tdigest` object
#' @references <>
#' @examples
#' td <- td_create(10)
td_create <- function(compression=100) {
stopifnot(compression >= 1.0)
compression <- as.double(compression[1])
.Call("Rtd_create", compression=compression, PACKAGE="tdigest")
#' Total items contained in the t-Digest
#' @param td t-Digest object
#' @export
#' @return `double` containing the size of the t-Digest
#' @examples
#' td <- td_create(10)
#' td_add(td, 0, 1)
#' td_total_count(td)
#' length(td)
td_total_count <- function(td) {
stopifnot(inherits(td, "tdigest"))
.Call("Rtd_total_count", td=td, PACKAGE="tdigest")
#' Add a value to the t-Digest with the specified count
#' @param td t-Digest object
#' @param val value
#' @param count count
#' @return the original, updated `tdigest` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' td <- td_create(10)
#' td_add(td, 0, 1)
td_add <- function(td, val, count) {
stopifnot(inherits(td, "tdigest"))
val <- as.double(val[1])
count <- as.double(count[1])
.Call("Rtd_add", tdig=td, val=val, count=count, PACKAGE="tdigest")
#' Return the value at the specified quantile
#' @param td t-Digest object
#' @param q quantile (range 0:1)
#' @export
#' @return the computed quantile (`double`)
#' @examples
#' td <- td_create(10)
#' td_add(td, 0, 1) %>%
#' td_add(10, 1)
#' td_value_at(td, 0.1)
#' td_value_at(td, 0.5)
#' td[0.1]
#' td[0.5]
td_value_at <- function(td, q) {
stopifnot(inherits(td, "tdigest"))
q <- as.double(q[1])
.Call("Rtd_value_at", tdig=td, q=q, PACKAGE="tdigest")
#' Return the quantile of the value
#' @param td t-Digest object
#' @param val value
#' @return the computed quantile (`double`)
#' @export
td_quantile_of <- function(td, val) {
stopifnot(inherits(td, "tdigest"))
val <- as.double(val[1])
.Call("Rtd_quantile_of", tdig=td, val=val, PACKAGE="tdigest")
#' Merge one t-Digest into another
#' @param from,into t-Digests
#' @return `into`
#' @return a `tdigest` object
#' @export
td_merge <- function(from, into) {
stopifnot(inherits(from, "tdigest"))
stopifnot(inherits(into, "tdigest"))
.Call("Rtd_merge", from=from, into=into, PACKAGE="tdigest")
#' @rdname td_total_count
#' @param x a tdigest object
#' @export
length.tdigest <- function(x) {
#' @rdname td_value_at
#' @param x a tdigest object
#' @param i quantile (range 0:1)
#' @param ... unused
#' @export
`[.tdigest` <- function(x, i, ...) {
if (length(x) == 0) return(NULL)
i <- as.double(i[1])
if ((i<=0) || (i>1)) return(NULL)
td_value_at(x, i)